Here you can find everything about Urban Gardening.

We would like to inspire you with ideas for alternative uses and helpful tips & tricks for successfully planting PAUL POTATO and co. on your own.

Tomatenvermehrung durch Geiztriebe
Tomato propagation through stingy shoots
Your tomato plants in TOM TOMATO are thriving, but would you like to grow more plants in the short term? No problem! We'll show you how you can quickly grow new offshoots from stingy shoots using...
Tomaten richtig ausgeizen
Make the most of tomatoes properly
If you want to harvest high-quality, aromatic tomatoes from your TOM TOMATO, you should thin out the plant regularly. You can find out exactly how this works and what’s behind it here: What does...
Welche Tomatensorten gibt es?
What types of tomatoes are there?
With 3,800 recognized tomato varieties worldwide (over 10,000 according to experts), it's not that easy to keep track. It's even more surprising that if you're lucky you'll only find at most 3 or...
Die Tomate
The tomato
"The tomato" - also known as pomodoro, tomaatti, pomidor, paradicsom, tomato - is a nightshade plant. This makes it closely related to the potato. Tomatoes, like cucumbers, peppers and pumpkins, a...
5 typical mistakes when growing tomatoes
You learn from mistakes. If you learn from other people's mistakes, it's even better. Mishaps can quickly happen, especially when growing tomatoes, which can lead to losses in the harvest. To ens...